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Know us better BJLive! Your partner in R&D

Our commitment is the result of the personal experience that led us to become a company. It is this drive to achieve excellence that encourages us to continue innovating and growing, while remaining fully dedicated to offering the best service and support to our clients.

It is for this reason that we collaborate with different organizations from several different countries in the development of new solutions for people with disabilities.

Networking is essential to offer global solutions. If you are interested in collaborating with us in a project, please contact our R&D department.

Innovation is the essence of BJ Adaptaciones

Our products are the result of a constant analysis of the needs of people with disabilities and how the technology can be adapted to meet these needs.

Our deep commitment has led us to create our own innovation department from where we manage resources and conduct innovation projects.

Research applied to our catalogue

Our innovation department has developed over 40 products that are now included in our catalogue.

Software, hardware and mechanical developments have been carried out in collaboration with universities, small engineering companies and end-user associations in order to offer the right solutions to people with disabilities.

For this, we have received several national awards like the Research Award Accés 2005, award Infanta Cristina 2008, Award ONCE Catalunya 2010 among others.

Cooperative Research

In addition to the applied research, we collaborate with other SMEs, large companies, research centers and universities in several projectscontributing our knowledge and expertise in the field of disability and Assistive Technology.

We also offer our expertise to end-user associations and other private and public entities to develop projects specifically designed to meet their needs.

Examples of our cooperative research projects: 

AIDE (Adaptive Multimodal Interfaces to Assist Disabled People in Daily Activities) is a European funded project (H2020) that started in February 2015 and will be running for 3 years. The AIDE concept goes beyond the current state of the art in using a novel modular multimodal perception system to customize an adaptive multimodal interface towards disabled people needs. Their main objectives are to improve the communication of severely disabled people for social autonomy, allow them to control their environment, modify the level of assistance provided by the intelligent robotic exoskeleton in accordance with their specific needs and support the user providing accessible entertainment.

 BJ2 System
An integrated solution to improve autonomy and life quality of elderly and people with disabilities in residential/care homes. Project approved by  Eureka’s Eurostars Programme, undertaken in cooperation with a French Company (Isidor). The aim is to develop an interoperable, scalable and integrated solution to meet the needs for autonomy, safety, communication, entertainment and cognitive training of people with severe disabilities, in a non-intrusive and reliable manner.

SPQR – Special QR
Project carried out in collaboration with the Orange Foundation and funded by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, which provides an opportunity for the integration of people with disabilities in the Information Society, through the use of QR codes.  

This project involves the development of a cognitive simulation software based on different types of activities and tailored to the user needs. It has been developed in collaboration with Ave María Foundation addressed to people with severe cognitive.

Ambient Intelligence for Accessible Heritage. Project undertaken in cooperation with research centers, universities and a software company, and partly funded by the Ministry of Industry. The project has focused on the development of technological solutions based on ambient intelligence to create an environment that is accessible to everyone.
